Asarum Learns About Seeds

Asarum Learns About SeedsAsarum tentatively turned the handle on the little blue door. It opened into the coziest little room set pleasantly with moss-covered pebbles for furniture and a slab of bark for a table. He crossed the earthen floor to the fireplace. Twigs were already stacked in the hearth. He breathed on them three times in quick succession. They burst into flames, yet emitted no smoke.

Asarum brought his backpack and flute inside, then set out to explore while the fire warmed the home. His thoughts turned again to the mysterious package of seeds. How could seeds arrive in a box? Although his parents had strictly warned against being seen by any of the Big People, he couldn't resist sneaking carefully to their household window. Within, he saw a spry grey-haired man covering the table with newspaper. His wife laid out rows of little containers. The man opened the box of seeds and pulled out several small envelopes. Some they put back in the box, others they set on the table. Next, they hoisted a bag of soil onto the table and began filling each container. Then they dampened the soil with a bit of water. Now they began opening the little envelopes.

Asarum's nose pressed against the glass as he tried to figure out what they were doing. Suddenly a cat leaped up on the window sill, batting at the glass with his big furry paw. Asarum zipped away just milliseconds before the Big People turned to see what Miss Kitty was trying to catch. He flew breathlessly back to the blue door and shut himself inside. He should have been more careful!

He still had a few sandwiches he had packed along for the trip. He ate one thoughtfully while perched on one of the moss-covered pebbles. What were the Big People doing with those seeds? Why not just eat them, as his family did? Dusk was starting to fall; he would be less likely to be seen now. He told himself to stay put in the cozy room, but his curiosity got the better of him. He slipped back out the blue door and cautiously hovered near the window. The Big People were cleaning up the newspaper, but the window sill now held the containers they had filled with soil. Each one had a little label on it. One said "CABBAGE," the next "GREEN ONIONS," then "BROCCOLI," "BRUSSELS SPROUTS," and "KALE." Asarum couldn't understand it.

As he returned once more to the mossy cove, he saw another fairy racing toward the blue door on a simple green bicycle. The little fellow leaped off the seat and called at the door. "Asarum?"

"I'm here!" he called in reply, and came to light on the ground next to him. "You must be Levisticum."

"Call me Levi. I'm so glad you've arrived! My sisters will be here tomorrow, but they sent me on so you could have a proper greeting to Summer." The two cousins embraced, then entered the cozy little room.



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