Falling in Love With Hoya kerrii

February may be the shortest month, but it is full of love. Whether you celebrate with a significant other, your family, or your friends, Valentine’s Day is a welcome reminder of love, kindness, and friendship. If you are still looking for a Valentine’s Day gift that is just right, you can stop the search. Hoya kerrii is a one-of-a-kind plant that makes a wonderful gift for February, birthdays, anniversaries, proposals, and other celebrations. Add it to a fairy garden or give it a home on your desk. Once you try your hand at growing it, you will surely fall in love with this variety.  

Hoya kerrii is also known as the Sweetheart Plant, Hoya Heart, Wax Heart, or Lucky Heart. Just like our loved ones, this miniature plant has plenty of nicknames! Its heart shape is formed by a thick, waxy, bright green leaf. Set it on your desk, bookshelf, miniature garden, and passers-by will wonder if it is a “real” plant. It is altogether sweet and whimsical, but rest assured, it is real! This plant’s vines grow very long over time, though it is extremely slow-growing. You will most often encounter Hoya kerrii sold as an individual rooted leaf.

Why do people love the Sweetheart Plant so much? It is non-toxic to pets and incredibly easy to care for. (Of course, you cannot forget how cute it is!) Here is a quick overview of Hoya kerrii’s basic needs:


This tropical semi-succulent thrives in the bright, direct light of a windowsill or counter, though it can get by with bright, indirect light. Look for the brightest spot in your home. That is where the Hoya kerrii should be placed. If the plant starts to receive too much light, the leaf might begin to turn yellow. If that happens, consider adding a sheer curtain to your window or simply move the plant out of the direct sunlight. Variegated varieties may require a bit more sun than the all-green plant.


Hoya kerrii stores water for a long time between waterings. Water is only needed approximately every 2 to 4 weeks. Let the soil dry out before adding water. The soil should never be boggy or saturated, as too much water can cause rot. 


Average indoor temperatures should help a Hoya kerrii thrive. 18°C - 27°C / 65°F - 80°F are optimal growing temperatures. Do not worry if the air is a little humid or dry. This plant is not sensitive to humidity.


One neat aspect of the Hoya kerrii is its stubborn lack of growth. Most of these single-leaf Hoya kerrii plants will stay the same size for a number of years. Some will be non-growers. However, once the Hoya kerrii has an established root system, it can produce vines on which new leaves will form. Mature plants will have grey, thick, stiff vines to support the climbing plant as it winds its way up a trellis or cascades over the side of a container. Just like other Hoyas, older Sweetheart Plants may bloom in the summertime. Flowers are small, star-shaped, and scented.

Are you ready to try your hand at growing Hoya kerrii? Even the most beginner gardeners or houseplant-owners will enjoy taking care of this sweet succulent. Add a fun plant container to turn this plant into an impressive Valentine’s Day gift that anyone will love.



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