Miniature Gardens on the Bayou

Miniature Gardens on the Bayou, miniature-gardeningA bayou is defined as a sluggish, marshy stream connected with a river, lake, or gulf, the longest of which is Bayou Bartholomew, which flows 375 miles through Arkansas and Louisiana to the gulf coast. It is the bayou most famously associated with the Cajun culture. Due to popular culture, we perceive the Louisiana bayou as a place shrouded in magic and mystery, making it the inspiration for my newest miniature gardening plans.

I have a serious love for fairy gardens that celebrate a type of water feature. My interest may be because many of my favorite childhood memories were set by a lake, river, or swamp. The newest line of miniature accessories that celebrate life on the bayou remind me of growing up as a child. While reminiscing about the many swamp-lands near my home, I thought about the games we used to play regarding the monsters, witches, and fairies that lived within these untamable wild lands. A fairy garden with trolls and alligators would bring back childhood memories.

If you decide to plan a swamp theme then begin by selecting a shaded section of the miniature garden. The next step is selecting miniature plants to emulate the tall weeds that surround the swamp and edge your miniature garden. Within the landscape, consider adding a fairy house that has been designed with the bayou in mind. Place it close to a nearby swamp that has been crafted to resemble the bayou. You may choose to include hardscape materials such as rocks or pebbles, which will accent the shoreline of the swamp. Be creMiniature Gardens on the Bayou, miniature-gardeningative in selecting miniature accessories to design your latest fairy garden.

The cottage I like the best for my swamp scene is the Crawdaddy’s Swamp Shack, which is a fairy house, built into a tree stump, and hollowed out to create a two-story home. It comes with a yellow door and small front porch located on the front of the shack. Crawdaddy's Swamp Shack looks very comfortable and well loved, which is probably the reason I find this miniature accessory irresistible.

Within this fairy garden space, I have decided to add some of the infamous swamp trolls whom I consider the quirky neighbors of our fairy friends. My personal favorite being Crocker, the Troll Riding Gator that shows one of the swamps trolls riding his pet gator around the fairy garden. Along the swamp’s edge, I like the idea of leaving a Swamp Raft, and the yard needs at least one fairy. I would pick the Ladybug Swamp Fairy, which shows a fairy with buns and wearing a ladybug dress while holding onto a brown branch. It is being used as a walking stick within the hard to traverse swamp-lands. In my mind, I vision clustering a family of fairies since I believe that the winged-wee-folk need the companionship of each other in the isolated and mysterious environment where many trolls and alligators live!



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