Tips on Using Mushrooms When Planning a Miniature Garden

When artisans have a passion for a craft, it is evident by the quality of the finished product. Even in miniature gardening, their work has unique designs that stand out in the tiny green spaces. Many storybooks depict fairies in a magical, overgrown, green forest surrounded by mature trees, moss, wildflowers, and mushrooms. That is why some gardeners view mushrooms as an integral part of miniature gardening.

My newest fairy garden designs were planned to capture that woodland feeling, and my goal was to create a garden that brought about a jovial attitude during the Midwestern winters. I wanted something sturdy and bright that adds an instant pop of color against a white backdrop of snow, viewed from my living room window. Since I cannot garden outside in the frigid winter weather, I have to bring the miniature plants, containers, and accessories inside my home. There are considerable benefits to having an indoor garden because in the cold, snowy locations it is a mood booster to have little spots, in your home, filled with the greenery and blooms of miniature plants. If the sun is not shining too brightly, we want to bring these lively fairy gardens into our homes.

In Utah, a company started by college students, handcrafts American clay mushrooms and artists glaze each one individually. The brightly colored pigments come from Spain, and the glazes are mixed by hand at the Utah factory. Every step of their process is unique, and I was incredibly excited to add their products to my mini fairy garden. The stems and caps are fired together, so they are sturdy throughout the various seasons. In fact, after years of testing and manufacturing the ceramic products, they are now frost proof. The reason that I was most excited for these tiny fairy mushrooms was that I love finding miniature accessories I can transfer from garden to garden. I also like getting a lot of use out of each treasured mini. You can add these mushrooms next to fairy houses, prop a Pico Shoomyz near a miniature plant that looks like a tree (such as Cupressus macrocarpa, Monterey Cypress) or place them lined up against a fence. These mushrooms can complement many miniature accessories and fairy houses by adding touches of color to the fairy garden greenery.

I like the idea of Pico Shoomzy's with red and green caps popping out of instant snow in the Christmas garden or even adding purple and orange dotted mushrooms to a Halloween-themed garden.  Red, blue and white designs work well in the 4th of July fairy garden. The beauty of these Pico Shoomyz or little mushrooms is that they will fit in many designs while accenting other miniature accessories and fairy garden themes.



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